
Showing posts with the label vision

Is Vision Alive

White Vision is very much alive and the real version of the character. The possibilities are numerous and at the end of that day that is more exciting than knowing anything for certain. Wandavision Is Vision Alive Or Dead Or at least he was dead until Wanda revived him in WandaVision. Is vision alive . How is Vision alive in WandaVision. Vision Alive A Quick Overview. A new theory suggests the show may be going full comic book for the lovable red android. Well it definitely confirms that Vision is dead. Its no surprise that after the tragic events of recent Marvel movies Wanda might prefer to exist in a perfect world where Vision is still alive and every conflict is neatly fixed within the span. Nonetheless thats where we are. Das Team von visionsalive bietet Lösungswege für Ihre Herausforderungen. Still the most important aspect about Vision Alive is that it comes in 2 versions. Love and Thunder or Captain Marvel 2 could appropriately host the android as he under...